Holiday Plans SOS!

teaching jobs Bradford education recruitment

We all know that trying to find the best ways to keep the kids entertained during the holidays is sometimes the hardest part of half terms, especially ones like this February, when we’re being hit with storm after storm, and it’s too cold for most plans. So to help ease the brainpower you have to […]

“Can Everyone Hear Me?” The Legacy of a COVID Education

In the brand-new decade of January 2020, I was a university student still just about finding my feet in my second year. To get to this point, I had already done seven years of Primary School, and another seven years in Secondary. If you had asked me what I thought of Education in this January, […]

My First Week of School (Or Rather, my Exciting, New Job)

There’s been a lot of firsts for me this week – first day at my new job, first phone call introducing myself as ‘Hannah Bird, Best in Class’, and now my first blog post! I thought, to round off a whirlwind week full of bourbon biscuits, giant cups of tea, lots of frantic notes with […]

Introducing Best In Class Education Recruitment

teaching jobs Bradford education recruitment

Home About Us Clients Candidates Job Vacancies Contact Blog Introducing Best In Class Education Recruitment What a year 2021 has been… From still feeling the effects of Covid 19, finally being able to get married after postponing twice and starting our own Education Recruitment Agency! Education Recruitment is a real passion for me and Scott. […]